So you want to be your own boss! Perhaps you are convinced you can make more on your own than you can working for someone else -- or you just want to bring in a little extra money to pay for a few luxuries in life -- or your family really needs two incomes but you don't want your kids to be latchkey kids. Whatever your reason, being your own boss can be personally and financially rewarding--if you come up with the right business idea.

What kind of business idea is the RIGHT idea? Virtually any idea that meets these criteria:

If you haven't yet found your entrepreneurial niche, perhaps you'll spot one or more ideas that sound promising (based on the criteria just mentioned) in the list below. Some can be started as homebased business, others really can't. Most can be turned into full time businesses, but some are ideal for moonlighting, or as add-on sales in an existing business. All are viable ways to make money, if you know the business and market it properly.
Though this recipe recommend a 15-minute set time per layer, the actual time will vary based on the temperature of your refrigerator. Before applying additional layers, touch the topmost layer to see if it has set; if it's firm to the touch but still sticky, it's ready for the next layer.

If the opaque layer starts to set up before you get to spoon it out, place in the microwave for a moment to reconstitute it to a slightly liquid state.

Jello is not a vegetarian dessert. Gelatin is a protein produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the bones, connective tissues, organs, and some intestines of animals such as cattle and horses.

Adding fruit to this recipe, while interesting, disrupts the "rainbow." If you want to make multi-colored Jello fruit salad, go for it! (But don't add pineapple, papaya or kiwi unless it is cooked, because fresh versions contain an enzyme which might prevent the Jello from setting). If you want to make edible rainbows, stick with the recipe.

Water that is heated in the microwave can overheat and erupt when handled. Always wait for bubbles before you open the door. If you don't get bubbles after a reasonable period of time, do not open the door or reach in until the water has had ample time to cool. Alternatively, just heat it over the stove.


    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


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